Monday, December 3, 2012

Sundays and Mondays. Oh my.

Yesterday I went to a painting class with some friends from my youth group. It was a lot of fun, and I learned a little, too. I was pretty frustrated at first, because I was not used to the way I was being instructed to paint (I don't follow rules very well) but by the end I was really enjoying myself. We painted the most adorable little owl, although I went a bit rouge on the color and the design. I couldn't have asked for a better Sunday evening! I can't wait to go back to try more advanced projects. A Toast to Art is a super cool place.

In other news, I have been feeling very discouraged lately. It's difficult sometimes to keep a postive attitude when it seems like everyone around you is negative, or also discouraged. It gets really bad sometimes, like to the point where I just feel like curling up somewhere and never getting back up. But when I feel this way, I have to remind myself that the only opinion I need to listen to is that of the Lord. He loves me and treasures me like no one else can. And that's pretty inspirational.
So, don't let a bad case of the Monday's ruin your week. Perseverance, even in simple situations such as having a bad day is a quality that is quite admirable. Even though it sure seems like it most of the time, one bad day is not going to last forever.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Grace and Mercy.

Today I shared my testimony for the very first time. I was very nervous, and quite afraid that I would start crying so hard that I would have to stop. But that didn't happen. Instead, I was surrounded by such a loving group of girls that made me feel like I was just talking to them like a normal conversation. I needed that kind of atmosphere to open up for the very first time. Especially when your story is so reliant on God's grace and mercy among his other attributes. If I were to tell you my story, you probably wouldn't believe me. Because I have grown SO much. It's all a testimony to the sufficent power of God, who carried me through those dark times even when I didn't realize he was there. That is the God I serve. One that cares about me personally, and can use me no matter what I have done.

"God uses the broken and the weak to show the world his power and glory, and to further prove that he is Almighty."


So, starting a blog has always been something I wanted to do, and I figured that now is as good a time as any. So yeah, this is my life.