Monday, December 3, 2012

Sundays and Mondays. Oh my.

Yesterday I went to a painting class with some friends from my youth group. It was a lot of fun, and I learned a little, too. I was pretty frustrated at first, because I was not used to the way I was being instructed to paint (I don't follow rules very well) but by the end I was really enjoying myself. We painted the most adorable little owl, although I went a bit rouge on the color and the design. I couldn't have asked for a better Sunday evening! I can't wait to go back to try more advanced projects. A Toast to Art is a super cool place.

In other news, I have been feeling very discouraged lately. It's difficult sometimes to keep a postive attitude when it seems like everyone around you is negative, or also discouraged. It gets really bad sometimes, like to the point where I just feel like curling up somewhere and never getting back up. But when I feel this way, I have to remind myself that the only opinion I need to listen to is that of the Lord. He loves me and treasures me like no one else can. And that's pretty inspirational.
So, don't let a bad case of the Monday's ruin your week. Perseverance, even in simple situations such as having a bad day is a quality that is quite admirable. Even though it sure seems like it most of the time, one bad day is not going to last forever.

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