Monday, January 21, 2013

In case you didn't know, there are like a million things to apply for when you get accepted to college. It's stressful, and insane. I have to apply for practically every scholarship available because that's the only way I can actually afford to go to college. And with scholarships, comes essays. Lots and lots of essays. With random topics that are extremely hard to write about.

Here's the first try on my leadership one:

A leader is someone who knows how to serve. A leader is not someone who pushes to the front of the line yelling "me, me, me!" and who claims the be "in charge." To be a leader, you must first know how to follow those that lead you. You must know what it means to be a servant, and to put others needs before your own. That is the definition of a great leader. By being humble and making yourself nothing, you are actually proving that you are qualified and have the ability to lead others. As a Christian, I want to be like Jesus. He was a humble and caring guy, and he always put others before himself. He lived his entire life on the Earth to serve others, even those that did not want him to, and those that rejected him. He made himself a servant, which made him an example, or someone to follow. He was a leader, not because that is what his purpose in life was, but because his purpose in life was to love and serve others. I believe that is my life is aligned with that example, that I can lead. Not because I strive to be a leader, but because I strive to be a humble servant.


  1. Hi Ellie, I just found your blog because I was looking up what other "sweetly broken" people are saying. First off, let me say "God bless you on your college adventure." And also I want to say how amazing it is to see someone your age sold out on Jesus Christ. The world needs more of that, especially in this time when no one seems to have any real hope. God will really use you for His kingdom if you are willing. So keep up this blog, too. It can be a great ministry opportunity.
    I also want to share my blog with you. It's a book (actually 2 books) about my journey to becoming a "sweetly broken" child of God. If you get a chance, read it at your leisure, or find a friend and read it together and do the "fellowship questions." It is my hopes and prayer that people draw closer to God's love and healing and Truth through it, and that they can draw closer in fellowship to others. It's at
    Take care and God bless. And I'm looking forward to checking back and seeing how your college experience is going. - Heather K

    1. Knowing that someone has read my blog is quite a stellar feeling. Your blog is such an encouragement! Thank you for taking the time to personally encourage me. :) -Ellie

  2. It's my pleasure. I actually feel like I am living through you a little here, because I loved college and totally wish I could still be in it. Enjoy all the days you have. Because they go fast. But you will love it. And I'm glad to hear you are already making friends there. They will be invaluable to you. Take care and I look forward to reading more. - Heather K
